Vale ISPIM 2021

ALAMEDA at ISPIM Connects Valencia and MTSR2021

The past weeks were dense of dissemination opportunities for the ALAMEDA team. 

As we progress with the use cases refinement, the technical design and the pilots’ setup, we had the chance to present our work and intermediate achievements at two major international events. 

On the 29th of November, our Dissemination Manager, Valentina Tageo from WISE, was invited to present ALAMEDA innovative digital transformation framework at the ISPIM Connects Conference 2021 in Valencia (Spain).  

ISPIM – the International Society for Professional Innovation Management – is a community of members from research, industry, consulting and the public sector, all sharing a passion for innovation management – how to successfully create new products, processes and services from ideas to stimulate economic growth and well-being. Formed in Norway in 1983, ISPIM is the oldest, largest and most active truly global innovation network. 

WISE is an ISPIM member and is closely following the activities of this lively international association specifically in the realm of healthcare innovation through their Special Interest Group on Health and Innovation

ISPIM arranged a 3-day event of thought-provoking innovation discussions and invited their members and partners from academia, industry, consulting and the public sector to reconnect in-person at the ISPIM Connects Valencia Conference. 

ALAMEDA presentation was part of the session “Health, Healthcare and Innovation Management” facilitated by Dr Mona Seyed Esfahani, Senior Lecturer at the Bournemouth University. 

The discussion pointed out many interesting aspects about the hurdles and enablers for successful innovation management in the healthcare sector, such as the need to more in-depth investigation about the health innovation ecosystems, actors and interactions among them, the role of data and platforms and the most recent agent-based theories elaborated by innovation experts in the domain.  

For ALAMEDA, it was a great opportunity to introduce the project’s ambitions and goals spanning from expected research outcomes to the forthcoming ALAMEDA Innovation Hub which will be configured as a multi-sided platform connecting innovation solvers and seekers. 

The full programme of the conference is available here.  

Proceedings could be downloaded here (user and password are “valencia_!2021”). 

Moreover, on the 1st of December, our colleagues from project partner CERTH presented the latest progress on the ALAMEDA semantic toolkit during the session on European and National Projects of the 15th Int. Conf on Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR’21). The paper, titled “A Semantic Technologies Toolkit for Bridging Early Diagnosis and Treatment in Brain Diseases”, was co-authored by partners CERTH, CTL, and UNIC, and presents: (a) the semantic model for representing project-pertinent knowledge (led by CERTH), (b) the semantic data integration framework (provided by CTL), and (c) the conversational agent (developed by UNIC).  

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference was completely virtual (see full programme here), and all presentations took place online. Our paper will be published in the conference proceedings by Springer in CCIS (Communications in Computer and Information Science) book series Vol. 1537, which will be available sometime in January. 

Date: 14th December 2021 

Author: Valentina Tageo