As Autumn rolls in, the ALAMEDA partners have organised a new plenary meeting session to discuss the state of advancement of the various Work Packages and the associated activities.
A peak of 50 participants has brought together researchers and managers from all partner institutions who have commented on the several advancements of the projects, the technical challenges so far encountered and the next strategies to be followed (i.e. in the field of patient engagement or in dissemination and exploitation matters relative to boosting communication and uptake of ALAMEDA innovations).

ALAMEDA has currently reached Month 10 out of 36, with its scientists and developers actively involved in shaping the theory and application of ALAMEDA technology. At the same time, the medical partners are preparing the field for the future development of pilot trials into the groups of patients affected by the three diseases foreseen in the study (Stroke, PD, MS).
In the next few months, we expect to keep increasing the number of deliverables associated to the project and to start disseminating initial visual evidence of the tangible outputs produced by ALAMEDA (i.e. images of the wearables and the mobile APP; first meetings with patients and caregivers).
We will keep striving in order to overcome barriers in the fight against brain disorders!