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Esoc Conference 2023

Munich Munich

ESOC is Europe’s leading forum, and indeed a leading forum worldwide, for advances in research and clinical care of patients with cerebrovascular diseases. ESOC 2023 will live up to its expectation, and present to you a packed, high quality scientific programme including major clinical trials, state-of-the-art seminars, educational workshops, scientific communications of the latest research, […]

The International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine & Healthcare

Bucarest Amfiteatrul Radu Voinea, Cladirea Rectoratului, Universitatea Politehnica București, 313 Splaiul Independentei, București, România, 060042

Artificial Intelligence is transforming every aspect of modern society and is likely to have an enormous impact in the coming decades. AI is quickly becoming an integral part of modern medicine, having the potential to improve personal and global health, to reduce disparities between health systems in different countries and to contribute to personalized healthcare. […]