CTL – Catalink Limited
Country Cyprus
Website www.catalink.eu
Catalink Limited is a Software Development SME founded in 2017. The company designs and develops complex cyber-physical systems targeted for data stream analytics, business automation, security, energy efficiency, and emissions reduction. The company has established a multi-disciplinary team, offering expertise in data science, machine learning, semantic technologies, performance optimization, multimedia analysis, situational awareness, as well as project management. Examples of implemented solutions include converged (optical and wireless) network management systems, customized Internet-of-Things (IoT) platforms, smart fleet energy management services, as well as business automation processes. The company also has a broad expertise in computer vision, image processing and multimedia applications, such as human activity detection and recognition from wearable and surveillance cameras (CCTV), video concept extraction, semantic segmentation for crisis event detection in visual content, content-based image retrieval and dynamic texture recognition.
The company has established a solid foundation on the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence for meeting various end-user needs. Catalink engineers deliver cutting-edge solutions for learning and reasoning from incomplete, large and heterogeneous sets of data, delivering solutions for trends prediction, anomaly detection, and situation awareness. Example applications include network traffic, road traffic, telemetry, security and others. Furthermore, company members have well established expertise in a series of aspects relevant to information exploitation and data correlation.
These include: information encoding, data pre-processing, pattern recognition, knowledge representation, event correlation, context awareness, situational awareness, and decision support. Examples of outcomes include realistic and scalable solutions that fulfil actual end-user needs, for instance in the areas of network management, pervasive computing and user profiling.
Catalink places emphasis on its R&D activities, rendering them the foundation of its service and product portfolio. Its members have strong experience in successfully carrying out research in ICT at both national and international level. Catalink has established synergies with several stakeholders from industry and academia, which guarantees its ability to always deliver novel, cutting-edge and high-quality research activities.

Christina Michailidou
Research & Security Engineer
Ms. Christina Michailidou received her Ph.D (2020) from the University of Pisa, Department of Computer Engineering and her Master degree (2016) in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Democritus University of Thrace. During her studies for the Master degree she received a specialization in Computer Science, focusing on the field of Information Security. Her main research topics are access and usage control, risk management of usage control, Internet of Things (IoT) Security and Software Defined Network (SDN) security. She worked as an assistant researcher in the Trustworthy and Secure Future Internet group at National Research Council of Italy (CNR), (co)-authoring a number of papers in the fields of data usage control, SDN and IoT security. For the period 2017-2019 she participated as an Early Stage Researcher in the European Network in Cyber Security (NeCS) H2020 EU-Funded Project. She was also involved in the activities of other EU funded projects such as the EIT Digital Trusted Cloud Management.

Efstratios (Stratos) Kontopoulos
Research & Data Knowledge Engineer
Dr. Efstratios (Stratos) Kontopoulos received his Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2011. He also holds a BSc in Mathematics from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2003) and an MSc (Dist) in Informatics from the University of Essex, UK (2004). He has participated in several interdisciplinary national and international research projects as project coordinator, principal investigator, task and work-package leader and has more than 60 publications in refereed journals and international conferences. Having worked both in academia and industry, he has extensive theoretical and practical experience in semantic technologies, knowledge representation and reasoning. He currently works as a knowledge scientist at Catalink.

Konstantinos Avgerinakis
Principal Investigator
Dr. Konstantinos Avgerinakis received his Diploma degree in computer and telecommunication engineering from the University of Thessaly in 2009, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Surrey in 2015. He is the CTO and head of the research and development in the computer vision and deep learning department with Catalink Ltd since 2019. His current research interests include computer vision and statistical video processing for event detection and recognition, human activity and facial expression recognition. Konstantinos Avgerinakis was the technical manager of H2020 ICT V4Design and deputy technical manager in H2020 ICT MindSpaces, and he participated in many other European projects (i.e.ROBORDER, SUITCEYES, Dem@Care, beAWARE). He co-authored more than 30 publications in refereed journals and international conferences, while he has also served as a reviewer in H2020 FET proposals as well as a high number of international journals and conferences.

Panagiotis Mitzias
Research & Data Knowledge Engineer
Mr. Panagiotis Mitzias received his M.Eng. in Electrical and Computer Engineering – with a specialization in Computer Science – from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, and, since then, he has been working as a software engineer and a research associate on Semantic Technologies. His technical and research expertise mainly covers the fields of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Semantic Web technologies, Ontologies, and Rule-based Systems towards Decision Support. More specifically, his technical prowess lies in the practical deployment of Semantic Web technologies in various application domains. From 2014 to 2019, he had been working as a Research Associate at the Information Technologies Institute (ITI) of the Centre for Research and Technology, Hellas (CERTH), with participation in highly interdisciplinary EU-funded projects in various diverse domains, like, e.g., border surveillance, disaster management, digital preservation, decision support, e-health, and digital libraries, amongst others. He has published several papers in international conferences, scientific journals and book chapters.