FISM – Italian Multiple Sclerosis Society Foundation
Country Italy
Website www.aism.it
The Italian Multiple Sclerosis Society Foundation (FISM) is the leading funding agency of research for multiple sclerosis(MS) in Italy and the third worldwide(after USA and Canada MS Societies). Our work revolves around improving the understanding of the causes of the disease, to improve the life quality of people with MS (“PwMS”) and to provide better treatments toward a definitive cure for MS. The overall goal of the MS Society is to ease the connection between PwMS and governmental healthcare agencies and so to support people with MS in taking decisions for their treatments and life quality.

Paola Zaratin
Director of Scientific Research
Dott. P. Zaratin is the Director of Scientific Research at the Italian Multiple Sclerosis Society. Paola has deep experience in Neuroscience research and in Drug Discovery and Development, acquired in Public, Private and Patients’ Organizations. Coordinator of the EU Responsible Research Innovation H2020 MULTI-ACT project (www.multiact.eu/) and co-chair of the Scientific Committee of the global Patient Reported Outcomes Initiative for MS (www.aism.it/PROMS ). Paola is author of more than 80 publications.

Giampaolo Brichetto
Clinical Director and Coordinator of Research in Rehabilitation, FISM
Dr. G. Brichetto joined the Italian MS Society Foundation (FISM) in 2009, where he currently is Coordinator of Research in Rehabilitation and Head of Rehab. Service. He is also Vice President of Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis Network (RIMS). Giampaolo has 19 years’ experience of Research in the field of neuro-rehabilitation. His research focuses onto novel neuro-rehabilitation strategies and on improving rehabilitation outcome measures. He is author of more than 70 publications in extenso.

Ludovico Pedullà
Researcher, Scientific Research Area
Ludovico Pedullà is a researcher of the Italian MS Foundation (FISM) with a background in rehabilitation and biomedical engineering. Focus of his research is the effect of neurorehabilitation and physical activity on the central nervous system and the processes of neural plasticity in MS. Recently, he was involved in innovative projects on patient engagement. He is author of 20 manuscripts published on international journals and more than 50 conference abstracts.

Giuditta Traverso
Project Manager Consultant
Dr. G. Traverso joined FISM in 2021. Her background mainly covers project management and administrative coordination within funded research projects. Her expertise has developed specifically in the context of H2020 competitive projects. Giuditta’s former experience include Project management as Coordinator Partner representative for the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) and contact person for a team of the Italian National research council (CNR) in several international research projects.

Martina Bassi
Legal and Compliance Office– Legal Specialist
Dr. Martina Bassi joined the Italian MS Society Foundation (FISM) in 2010, where she is currently part of the of the Legal and Compliance team. Martina has a degree in law and has 10 years’ experience in the negotiation and finalization of contracts in the field of Research area. Martina also has experience in the intellectual property and data protection fields.