PLU – Pluribus One Srl

Country Italy

Pluribus One is a research-intensive company based in Italy, focused on providing innovative solutions and services for cybersecurity, based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies. The company was born as a spin-out of the Pattern Recognition and Applications Lab of the University of Cagliari. Its staff has more than 25 years of experience in world-class research. Pluribus One is currently involved in 6 European projects. In 2017 the company has brought to the market Pluribus One Web Application Security, a proprietary solution for monitoring and protecting web services.

Davide Ariu

Davide Ariu


Dr. Davide Ariu is CEO and Co-founder of Pluribus One, where he coordinates the participation of the company to R&D projects. He got a PhD degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering in 2010 and has focused his research on machine learning applications for Computer Security. Over the years, he worked on network-based intrusion detection, malware detection, and passive DNS analysis. He is IEEE and ACM Member and regularly serves as a reviewer for international peer-reviewed journals.

Luca Piras

Luca Piras

Project Manager

Luca Piras is Director of Finance and Sales and Co-Founder of Pluribus One. He holds a PhD in Computer and Information Engineering and his background is in the Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning areas. Within Pluribus One, he is responsible for the development of technologies related to the Computer Vision area. He is also responsible for coordinating the reporting of the company’s R&D projects and the management of some of them.

Igino Corona

Igino Corona

DPO and Technical Leader

Igino Corona (MSc Electronic Engineering and PhD in Computer Engineering – University of Cagliari, Italy) is Co-Founder, Chief Information Security Officer and Security Researcher at Pluribus One. His research activities have been extensively published in peer-reviewed international journals and conferences, covering different topics, including web security, android security, detection of botnets, development of intrusion detection systems (IDS), adversarial machine-learning.

Matteo Mauri

Matteo Mauri

Dissemination & Communication Manager

Matteo Mauri is dissemination, exploitation and communication manager at Pluribus One. Sometimes copywriter, sometimes a webmaster, other times web & graphic designer, and social media manager in spare time, he is basically a content planner in love with science.
Graduated in Communication Sciences and Research, currently he collaborates with public and private structures and in the last 8 years he has been involved in 15 European Projects in several research fields.

Stefania Casula

Stefania Casula

Stefania Casula

Stefania Casula, born in Cagliari in the 1981, worked as accountant for about ten years in different companies, focusing on Ltds and cooperatives. Graduated in Business Economics at University of Cagliari in the 2014. In the 2018, she took the Introductory Certificate In Project Management relesed by IPMA (certificate n. 2168). She is going to be postgraduate in Mangement Economics, at the University of Cagliari, her dissertation will be about investigation on Project Management techniques.